Info You Need to Know


Welcome to the College of Engineering!  We’d like your transition to be as easy as possible for you, so we have created this INK (INFO you NEED to KNOW) guide to get you started.  After you are done reading this page, please browse through the links that are located below to find out about other important information.

Information for All New Graduate Students:

  1. Get your MCard, either in 2202 Pierpont Commons on North Campus, or on Central Campus in 1011 Student Activities Building.
  2. Activate your CAEN account. This will allow you to use the CAEN computer labs and workstations.
  3. Find the Graduate Coordinator for your department. Get to know these people–they can help you more than you can imagine.  Many departments provide graduate student handbooks.
  4. Visit Wolverine Access
    –Register for Classes
    –Change your address and personal information
    –Set-up direct deposit for your paychecks
  5. Read the Honor Code to become familiar with the academic practice in the College of Engineering.
  6. Register for the College of Engineering New Graduate Student Orientation.
  7. See the resources that are listed below.  They should be very informative and will help you acclimate to our community.

Information for All New Undergraduate Students:

  1. Register for Orientation with the Office of New Student Programs
  2. Pick up your copy of the Engineering Council planner — available on North Campus.

Additional Information for International Students:

  1. Go to the International Center and check in when you arrive in Michigan before you do anything else. Visit their website for more information.
  2. Check out the international student organizations. They are a great resource for helping to solve problems that are unique to the international student experience.
  3. Get a social security number.
  4. International Student Resources


CoE Acronymns

Computing and Libraries



Get Involved

Getting Around

Getting Settled

Graduate Student Campus and Department Guides

Health and Safety


Money Matters



Student Services Offices

UM Acronym Decoder