Sienhua New and Tsu Way Shen Memorial Award
- Shun (Jackson) Yao
Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
- Abhishek Dhyani, Macro
- Aman Goel, CSE
- Alyssa Travitz, Macro
Rackham International Student Fellowship
- Mira Diab El Harakeh, Macro
Savio L-Y. Woo Young Researcher Award – Biomechanical Research for ISLT-XVIII
- Callan Luetkemeyer, ME
North Campus Deans’ MLK Spirit Award
- Lydia Mensah, MSE
ASME/Boeing Structures and Materials Award
- Minh Hoang, AERO
- Nguyen Avinkrishnan, AERO
- Ambika Vijayachandran, AERO
- Paul Davidson, AERO
2020 Collier Research Hypersizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award
- Shiyao Lin, AERO
Selected by The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) as a 2020 AIME Henry deWitt Smith Scholar
- Kathleen Chou, MSE
Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Student Paper Award in Structures
- Shiyao Lin, AERO
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) with student merit awards
- Julia Coxen, IOE
- Elnaz Kabir, IOE
Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship
- Hsiang-Wen Chen, ECE
Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group Best Student Research Paper Award
- Yifan Li, IOE
- Sol Lim, IOE
PhD Colloquium Best Student Paper Award at the INFORMS Simulation Society’s annual Winter Simulation Conference
- Qi Luo, IOE
Perception and Performance Technical Group Student Essay Contest
- Kamolnat Tabattanon, IOE
Outstanding Student Presentation Awards
- Brett McCuen, CLASP
- Samar Minallah, CLASP
- Zihan Wang, CLASP
Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student Instructors
- Abigail Azari, CLASP
- Michael Hua, NERS
- Christina Kang, CEE
Distinguished Leadership Award
- Robert Graham, BME
- Ilya Kovalenko, ME
- Andrea Lupini, ME
- Mario Medina, ME
- John Meluso, IS+D
- Tianlin Wang, ECE
Hugh G. Rumler Prize
- Kaelan Oldani, Aero
Marian Sarah Parker Prize
- Alexandra Carlson, Rob
Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement
- Dominic Liao-McPherson, Aero
- Robert Graham, BME
- Saman Moniri, ChE
- Morteza Taibat, CEE
- Zihan Wang, CLASP
- Andrew McCrabb, CSE
- Tianlin Wang, ECE
- Gian-Gabriel Garcia, IOE
- Shuhaib Bin Haji Nawawi, IS+D
- Benjamin Derby, MSE
- Kwangnam Kim, ME
- Bradford Knight, NAME
- Michael Hua, NERS
- Alexandra Carlson, Rob
Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research
- Emily Tucker, IOE
- Kelsey Mengle, MSE
- Daniel Bruder, ME
FXB Fellowship Recipients
- Christina Harvey, Aero
- Anil Yildirim, Aero
Engineering Research Symposium
- Aerospace Engineering
- Anil Yildirim won the 2nd Place of the Scientific Visualization Award
- Biomedical Engineering
- Elissa Welle won the Advanced Research Communication Award
- Chemical Engineering
- Nahal Habibi received the Runner-up Award of the Advanced Research Engineering Innovation
- Zixuan Wang won the Advanced Research Basic Science Award
- Mario Gutierrez received Honorable Mention in the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research Competition
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Amirmahdi Tafreshian won the Advanced Research Social Impact Award
- Katherine Flanigan received Honorable Mention in the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research Competition
- Climate and Space Science and Engineering
- Shannon Hill won the Emerging Research Communication Award
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Lauren Biernacki won the 3rd Place of the Scientific Visualization Award
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Dhruv Paranjpye won the Emerging Research Basic Science Award
- Trevor Odelberg won the Emerging Research Social Impact Award
- Tianlin Wang received Honorable Mention in the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research Competition
- Industrial and Operations Engineering
- Yadrianna Acosta-Sojo received the Runner-up Award of the Advanced Research Social Impact
- Emily Tucker won the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research
- Geunyeong Byeon received Honorable Mention in the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research Competition
- Macromolecular Science and Engineering
- Yingying Zeng received the Runner-up Award of the Advanced Research Basic Science
- Material Science and Engineering
- Kelsey Mengle won the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research
- Mechanical Engineering
- Connie Lee won the Advanced Research Engineering Innovation Award
- Michael Wadas received the Runner-up Award of the Advanced Research Communication
- Daniel Bruder won the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research
- Patrick Holmes won the People’s Choice Award of the Scientific Visualization
- Sarah Beetham won the 4th Place of the Scientific Visualization Award
- Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
- Noah Kleedtke won the Emerging Research Engineering Innovation Award
- Robotics
- Matthew Romano won the 1st Place of the Scientific Visualization Award
AIAA Best Student Paper Award
- Prashin Sharma, Aero
Professor Pierre T. Kabama Award for excellence in control systems
- Dominic Liao-McPherson, Aero
SPIE 2019 Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication Best Student Paper Award
- Mohammad Kazemi, Aero
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation’s MDO Student Paper Competition
- 1st place: Anil , Aero
- 2nd place: Sicheng He, Aero
Beyster Fellowship Recipients
- Vyas Ramasubramani, ChE
- James Dallas, ME
- Shreyas Kousik, ME
U.S. DOT and NOCoE Transportation Technology Tournament Winners
- Xiatong Sun, CEE
- Yan Zhao, ME
- Alex Sundt, CEE
American Associate of Geographers (AAG) J. X. Kasperson Student Paper Award
- Tom Logan, IOE
NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
- David Chen, EE
Best Poster award from the Society for Risk Analysis
- Elnaz Kabir, IOE
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Graduate Studies Division Best Student Paper Award
- Sarah Bork, IOE
NSF Fellowship Recipients
- Kyle Bushick, MSE
- Brian Macdonald, MSE
- Keara Saud, MSE
Materials Research Symposium
Oral Presentations
- Logan Williams (MSE)
- Kathleen Chou (MSE)
- Caymen Novak (BME)
- Kwangnam Kim (ME)
- Yichen Wang (MSE)
- Ji Young Kim (MSE
Poster Presentations
- Bryan Van Saders (MSE)
- Allison Roessler (Chem)
- Tianyu Liu (Macro)
Honorable Mention:
- Zhihua Huang (MSE)
- Chaoming Yang (MSE)
NIH Predoctoral Fellowship
- Sajedeh Nasr Esfahani, ME
Annual MIPSE Graduate Student Symposium Best Presentation Awards
- Jinpu Lin, NERS
- Jinpu Lin
PPG Fellows
- Philyong Kim, Macro
- Lisha Zhang, Macro
- Muru Zhou, Macro